Archived Academic Calendar Dates
Published or Revised October 03, 2024
Below are archived dates from previous Paris Junior College academic calendars, listed by year / semester. Some sections are duplicated; they reflect changes to the academic dates that were approved by the PJC Board of Regents.
Second Summer 2024 Term
July 11: Registration, all locations
July 15: First class day
July 15-16: Late Registration, all locations
Aug. 7: Last day to drop with a "W"
Aug. 14-15: Final exams
Summer 2024 Extended Term
May 27: Memorial Day Holiday
May 30: Registration, all locations
June 3: First class day
June 3-4: Late Registration, all locations
July 4: Independence Day holiday (Thursday)
July 25: Last day to drop with a "W"
Aug. 14-15: Final exams
Summer 2024 Long Term
May 13: First class day
May 13-14: Late registration, all locations
May 27: Memorial Day Holiday
July 4: Independence Day holiday (Thursday)
July 25: Last day to drop with a "W"
Aug. 14-15: Final exams
First Summer 2024 Term
May 27: Memorial Day Holiday
May 29: Registration, all locations
June 3: First class day
June 3-4: Late Registration, all locations
July 3: Last day to drop with a "W"
July 4: Independence Day holiday (Thursday)
July 8-9: Final exams
May Mini-Term 2024
May 13: First class day
May 14: Late registration
May 27: Memorial Day Holiday
May 28: Last day to drop with a "W"
May 30: Final exams
Spring 2024 Semester
Jan. 2: Offices open (Tuesday)
Jan. 6: Saturday Late Registration - all locations, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Jan. 8: Faculty Return/Staff Development
Jan. 9: Greenville Late Registration
Jan. 10: Sulphur Springs Late Registration
Jan. 11: Paris Late Registration
Jan. 15: Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday
Jan. 16: First class day, Spring Semester and 1st 8-Week Flex Term
Feb. 22: Last day to drop with a "W" from 1st 8-Week Flex Term
March 4-7: Final Exams for 1st 8-Week Flex Term
March 11-15: Spring Break
March 18: Spring semester classes resume; 1st class day of 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
April 11: Last day to drop with a "W" from Spring 16-Week Semester
April 25: Last day to drop with a "W" from 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
May 6-9: Final exams for Spring Semester & 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
May 10: Commencement, 7:00 p.m.
Winter Mini-Term 2023-2024
Dec. 18, 2023: First class day
Jan. 2, 2024: Last day to drop with a "W"
Jan. 4, 2024: Final exams
Fall 2023 Semester
Aug. 18: Staff Development
Aug. 19: 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Saturday Registration, all locations
Aug. 22: Late Registration - Greenville Registration
Aug. 23: Late Registration - Sulphur Springs Registration
Aug. 24: Late Registration - Paris Registration
Aug. 28: First class day for Fall 16-Week Semester and 1st 8-Week Flex Term
Sept. 4: Labor Day holiday
Oct. 5: Last day to drop with a "W" for 1st 8-Week Flex Term
Oct. 16-19: Final Exams for 1st 8-Week Flex Term
Oct. 23: First day of 2nd 8-Week Flex Term classes
Oct. 23-24: Late Registration for 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
Nov. 16: Last day to drop with a "W" for Fall semester
Nov. 22-24: Thanksgiving Day holiday begins Residence Halls & Food Service Closed
Nov. 27: Classes resume
Nov. 30: Last day to drop with a "W" for 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
Dec. 11-14: Final Exams
Dec. 15: Offices closed, 5 p.m.; Commencement, 7 p.m.
Second Summer 2023 Term
July 11: Registration, all locations
July 12: First class day
July 13-14: Late Registration, all locations
Aug. 3: Last day to drop with a "W"
Aug. 16-17: Final exams
First Summer 2023 Term
May 29: Memorial Day Holiday
May 31: Registration, all locations
June 5: First class day
June 5-6: Late Registration, all locations
June 29: Last day to drop with a "W"
July 4: Independence Day holiday (Tuesday)
July 10-11: Final exams
Summer 2023 Extended Term
May 29: Memorial Day Holiday
May 31: Registration, all locations
June 5: First class day
June 5-6: Late Registration, all locations
July 4: Independence Day holiday (Tuesday)
July 31: Last day to drop with a "W"
Aug. 16-17: Final exams
Summer 2023 Long Term
May 15: First class day
May 15-16: Late registration, all locations
May 29: Memorial Day Holiday
July 4: Independence Day holiday (Tuesday)
July 25: Last day to drop with a "W"
Aug. 16-17: Final exams
May Mini-Term 2023
May 15: First class day
May 15: Late registration
May 29: Memorial Day Holiday
May 30: Last day to drop with a "W"
June 1: Final exams
Spring 2023 Semester
Jan. 3: Offices open (Tuesday)
Jan. 7: Saturday Late Registration - all locations, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Jan. 9: Faculty Return/Staff Development
Jan. 10: Greenville Late Registration
Jan. 11: Sulphur Springs Late Registration
Jan. 12: Paris Late Registration
Jan. 16: Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday
Jan. 17: First class day, Spring Semester and 1st 8-Week Flex Term
Feb. 23: Last day to drop with a "W" from 1st 8-Week Flex Term
March 6-9: Final Exams for 1st 8-Week Flex Term
March 13-17: Spring Break
March 20: Spring semester classes resume; 1st class day of 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
April 13: Last day to drop with a "W" from Spring Semester
April 27: Last day to drop with a "W" from 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
May 8-11: Final exams for Spring Semester & 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
May 12: Commencement, 7:00 p.m.
Winter Mini-Term 2022-2023
Dec. 19, 2022: First class day
Jan. 2, 2023: Last day to drop with a "W"
Jan. 5, 2023: Final exams
Fall 2022 Semester
Aug. 19: Staff Development
Aug. 20: 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Saturday Registration, all locations
Aug. 23: Late Registration - Greenville Registration
Aug. 24: Late Registration - Sulphur Springs Registration
Aug. 25: Late Registration - Paris Registration
Aug. 29: First class day for Fall semester and 1st 8-Week Flex Term
Sept. 5: Labor Day holiday
Oct. 6: Last day to drop with a "W" for 1st 8-Week Flex Term
Oct. 17-20: Final Exams for 1st 8-Week Flex Term
Oct. 24: First day of 2nd 8-Week Flex Term classes
Oct. 24-25: Late Registration for 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
Nov. 17: Last day to drop with a "W" for Fall semester
Nov. 23-25: Thanksgiving Day holiday begins Residence Halls & Food Service Closed
Nov. 28: Classes resume
Dec. 1: Last day to drop with a "W" for 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
Dec. 12-15: Final Exams
Dec. 16: Offices closed, 5 p.m.; Commencement, 7 p.m.
Second Summer 2022 Term
July 11: Registration, all locations
July 12: First class day
July 12-13: Late Registration, all locations
Aug. 9: Last day to drop with a "W"
Aug. 17-18: Final exams
First Summer 2022 Term
May 30: Memorial Day Holiday
May 31: Registration, all locations
June 1: First class day
June 1-2: Late Registration, all locations
June 28: Last day to drop with a "W"
July 4: Independence Day holiday (Monday)
July 6-7: Final exams
Summer 2022 Extended Term
May 30: Memorial Day Holiday
May 31: Registration, all locations
June 1: First class day
June 1 & 2: Late Registration, all locations
July 4: Independence Day holiday (Monday)
Aug. 1: Last day to drop with a "W"
Aug. 17-18: Final exams
Summer 2022 Long Term
May 16: First class day
May 16-17: Late registration, all locations
May 30: Memorial Day Holiday
July 4: Independence Day holiday (Monday)
July 26: Last day to drop with a "W"
Aug. 17-18: Final exams
May Mini-Term 2022
May 16: First class day
May 16: Late registration
May 30: Memorial Day Holiday
May 31: Last day to drop with a "W"
June 2: Final exams
Spring 2022 Semester
Jan. 3: Offices open (Thursday)
Jan. 8: Saturday Late Registration - all locations, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Jan. 10: Faculty Return/Staff Development
Jan. 11: Greenville Late Registration
Jan. 12: Sulphur Springs Late Registration
Jan. 13: Paris Late Registration
Jan. 17: Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday
Jan. 18: First class day Spring semester and 1st 8-Week Flex Term
Feb. 24: Last day to drop with a "W" from 1st 8-Week Flex Term
March 7-10: Final Exams for 1st 8-Week Flex Term
March 14-18: Spring Break
March 21: Spring semester classes resume; 1st class day of 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
April 14: Last day to drop with a "W" from Spring semester
April 28: Last day to drop with a "W" from 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
May 9-12: Final exams for Spring semester & 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
May 13: Commencement, 7:00 p.m.
Winter Mini-Term 2021-2022
Dec. 20, 2021: First class day
Jan. 3, 2022: Last day to drop with a "W"
Jan. 6, 2022: Final exams
Fall 2021 Semester
Aug. 20: Staff Development
Aug. 21: 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Saturday Registration, all locations
Aug. 24: Late Registration - Greenville Registration
Aug. 25: Late Registration - Sulphur Springs Registration
Aug. 26: Late Registration - Paris Registration
Aug. 30: First class day for Fall semester and 1st 8-Week Flex Term
Sept. 6: Labor Day holiday
Oct. 7: Last day to drop with a "W" for 1st 8-Week Flex Term
Oct. 18-21: Final Exams for 1st 8-Week Flex Term
Oct. 25: First day of 2nd 8-Week Flex Term classes
Oct. 25-26: Late Registration for 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
Nov. 18: Last day to drop with a "W" for Fall semester
Nov. 24: Thanksgiving Day holiday begins Residence Halls & Food Service Closed
Nov. 29: Classes resume
Dec. 2: Last day to drop with a "W" for 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
Dec. 13-16: Final Exams
Dec. 17: Offices closed, 5 p.m.; Commencement, 7 p.m.
Second Summer 2021 Term
July 6: Registration, all locations
July 12: First class day
July 7-8: Late Registration, all locations
Aug. 10: Last day to drop with a "W"
Aug. 16-17: Final exams
Summer 2021 Extended Term
May 28: Registration, all locations
May 31: Memorial Day Holiday
June 1: First class day
June 1-2: Late Registration, all locations
July 5: Independence Day holiday (Monday)
Aug. 4: Last day to drop with a "W"
Aug. 16-17: Final exams
Summer 2021 Long Term
May 17: First class day
May 17-18: Late Registration, all locations
May 31: Memorial Day Holiday
July 5: Independence Day holiday (Monday)
July 27: Last day to drop with a "W"
Aug. 16-17: Final exams
First Summer 2021 Term
May 27: Registration, all locations
May 31: Memorial Day Holiday
June 1: First class day
June 1-2: Late Registration, all locations
June 30: Last day to drop with a "W"
July 5: Independence Day holiday (Monday)
July 6-7: Final exams
May Mini-Term 2021
May 17: First class day
May 17: Late registration
May 31: Memorial Day Holiday
June 1: Last day to drop with a "W"
June 4: Final exams
Spring 2021 Semester
Jan. 4: Offices open (Monday)
Jan. 4: Faculty Return/Staff Development
Jan. 5: Greenville Late Registration
Jan. 6: Sulphur Springs Late Registration
Jan. 7: Paris Late Registration
Jan. 9: Saturday Late Registration - all locations, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Jan. 11: First class day Spring semester and 1st 8-Week Flex Term
Jan. 18: Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday
Feb. 18: Last day to drop with a "W" from 1st 8-Week Flex Term
March 1-4: Final Exams for 1st 8-Week Flex Term
March 8-12: Spring Break
March 15: Spring semester classes resume; 1st class day of 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
April 8: Last day to drop with a "W" from Spring semester
April 22: Last day to drop with a "W" from 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
May 3-6: Final exams for Spring semester & 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
May 7: Commencement
Winter Mini-Term 2021
Dec. 21, 2020: First class day
Jan. 4, 2021: Last day to drop with a "W"
Jan. 7, 2021: Final exams
Fall 2020 Semester 2.0
Note: This reflects a change of the semester start date from August 24 to Sept. 8 by action of the PJC Board of Regents as necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Aug. 15: Late Saturday Registration - All Locations, 10 a.m.-noon
Aug. 18: Late Registration - Greenville Registration
Aug. 19: Late Registration - Sulphur Springs Registration
Aug. 20: Late Registration - Paris Registration
Aug. 31: Faculty Return / Staff Development
Sept. 7: Labor Day holiday
Sept. 8: First class day for Fall semester and 1st 8-Week Flex Term
Oct. 15: Last day to drop with a "W" for 1st 8-Week Flex Term
Oct. 26-27: Final Exams for 1st 8-Week Flex Term
Oct. 28: First day of 2nd 8-Week Flex Term classes
Oct. 28-29: Late Registration for 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
Nov. 19: Last day to drop with a "W" for Fall semester
Nov. 25: Thanksgiving Day holiday begins Residence Halls & Food Service Closed
Nov. 30: All Classes resume online (No face-to-face)**
Dec. 3: Last day to drop with a "W" for 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
Dec. 14-17: Final Exams
Dec. 18: Commencement, 7 p.m.
Dec. 18: Offices closed, 5 p.m.
** No students will return to campus after Thanksgiving Break. Face-to-face courses will resume online. Online and virtual video conferencing courses will continue as usual.
Fall 2020 Semester 1.0
Note: This duplicate Fall 2020 section was replaced due to the COVID-19 pandemic by action of the PJC Board of Regents.
Aug. 14: Staff Development
Aug. 15: Late Saturday Registration - All Locations, 10 a.m.-noon
Aug. 18: Late Registration - Greenville Registration
Aug. 19: Late Registration - Sulphur Springs Registration
Aug. 20: Late Registration - Paris Registration
Aug. 24: First class day for Fall semester and 1st 8-Week Flex Term
Sept. 7: Labor Day holiday
Oct. 1: Last day to drop with a "W" for 1st 8-Week Flex Term
Oct. 12-15: Final Exams for 1st 8-Week Flex Term
Oct. 19: First day of 2nd 8-Week Flex Term classes
Oct. 19: Late Registration for 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
Nov. 12: Last day to drop with a "W" for Fall semester
Nov. 24: Last day to drop with a "W" for 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
Nov. 25: Thanksgiving Day holiday begins Residence Halls & Food Service Closed
Nov. 30: Classes resume
Dec. 7-10: Final Exams
Dec. 11: Commencement, 7 p.m.
Dec. 18: Offices closed, 5 p.m.
Second Summer 2020 Term
July 6: Registration, all locations
July 8: First class day
July 8-9: Late Registration, all locations
July 29: Last day to drop with a "W"
Aug. 12-13: Final exams
Summer 2020 Extended Term
May 28: Registration, all locations
June 1: First class day
June 1-2: Late Registration, all locations
July 3: Independence Day holiday (Friday)
July 30: Last day to drop with a "W"
Aug. 12-13: Final exams
First Summer 2020 Term
May 28: Registration, all locations
June 1: First class day
June 1-2: Late Registration, all locations
June 30: Last day to drop with a "W"
July 3: Independence Day holiday (Friday)
July 6-7: Final exams
Summer 2020 Long Term
Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, classes from this semester were included in the Summer 2020 Extended Term.
May 18: First class day
May 18-19: Late Registration, all locations
July 3: Independence Day holiday (Friday)
July 23: Last day to drop with a "W"
Aug. 12-13: Final exams
May Mini-Term 2020
May 18: First class day
May 18-19: Late registration
May 25: Memorial Day Holiday
June 1: Last day to drop with a "W"
June 5: Final exams
Spring 2020 Semester
Jan. 2: Offices open (Thursday)
Jan. 4: Saturday Late Registration - all locations, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Jan. 6: Faculty Return/Staff Development
Jan. 7: Greenville Late Registration
Jan. 8: Sulphur Springs Late Registration
Jan. 9: Paris Late Registration
Jan. 13: First class day Spring semester and 1st 8-Week Flex Term
Jan. 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday
Feb. 20: Last day to drop with a "W" from 1st 8-Week Flex Term
March 2-5: Final Exams for 1st 8-Week Flex Term
March 9-13: Spring Break
March 16: Spring semester classes resume; 1st class day of 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
April 9: Last day to drop with a "W" from Spring semester
April 23: Last day to drop with a "W" from 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
May 11-14: Final exams for Spring semester & 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
May 15: Commencement cancelled due to COVID-19 - it will be held when it is safe to be scheduled.
Winter Mini-Term 2019
Dec. 16, 2019: First class day
Dec. 30, 2019: Last day to drop with a "W"
Jan. 3, 2020: Final exams
Fall 2019 Semester
Aug. 10: 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Saturday Registration, all locations
Aug. 16: Staff Development
Aug. 17: 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Saturday Registration, all locations
Aug. 20: Late Registration - Greenville Registration
Aug. 21: Late Registration - Sulphur Springs Registration
Aug. 22: Late Registration - Paris Registration
Aug. 26: First class day for Fall semester and 1st 8-Week Flex Term
Sept. 2: Labor Day holiday
Oct. 14-17: Final Exams for 1st 8-Week Flex Term
Oct. 21: First day of 2nd 8-Week Flex Term classes
Oct. 21-22: Late Registration for 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
Nov. 14: Last day to drop with a "W" for Fall semester
Nov. 26: Last day to drop with a "W" for 2nd 8-Week Flex Term
Nov. 27: Thanksgiving Day holiday begins Residence Halls & Food Service Closed
Dec. 2: Classes resume
Dec. 9-12: Final Exams
Dec. 13: Commencement, 7 p.m.
Dec. 17: Offices closed, 5 p.m.