High school students get genetic science update
Published or Revised February 14, 2012
Genetics expert Sam Rhine speaks to some 250 area high school students about the latest developments in science last Thursday. The conference was sponsored by Paris Junior College and held in the Ray Karrer Theater.
Lecturer Sam Rhine presented his Genetic Update Conference to some 250 high school and college students on genetic advances in medicine Thursday in the Ray Karrer Theater at Paris Junior College.
Rhine, a former Lalor Foundation Fellow in Medical Genetics at Harvard Medical School, focused on genes that control development, emphasizing cancer and the future use of stem cell technologies in medicine.
"I personally feel it is absolutely vital that students get exposed to the facts as early as possible," said PJC Biomedical Sciences program coordinator and instructor Jack Brown. "There is a great deal of misinformation available when it comes to the topic of stem cells and developmental biology. Sam's conference is a wonderful opportunity for students to learn a great deal of information about genetics in a very short time. It was great to see this many students from our area interested enough in biology to attend."
Rhine has crisscrossed the country for more than 30 years, presenting the latest genetic information to high school students and their teachers. He received his B.A. and M.A. from Indiana University.