Regents told PJC receives a clean audit opinion
Published or Revised November 23, 2010
A clean audit opinion was provided to the Paris Junior College Board of Regents Monday evening, Nov. 22, from Andy Reich of McClanahan and Holmes. According to Reich, there were four actual audits, some financial and some compliance: one according to Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures, one to governmental audit standards, one of federally-funded programs and one of state-funded programs. "We appreciate the cooperation of the staff very much," Reich told the Regents. He added that PJC's net income was very good and "you may need that in the coming year." Regents approved the academic calendar dates for 2011-2012 as presented by Vice President of Academics Dwight Chaney. He explained that as much as possible, the calendars for local schools and Texas A&M – Commerce are taken into account when planning the year. As part of her president's report, Dr. Pam Anglin handed out recent articles indicating the Legislative Budget Board is looking at an additional 2-3 percent cut to this fiscal year, in addition to the 5 percent cut already made. To date, 41 percent of the statewide budget cuts made have come from higher education. One of the current priorities of area colleges and universities will be how to sustain NETnet so online courses can continue to be offered in Northeast Texas. In other business, the Regents:- Received a good financial report from Vice President of Business Services John Eastman. He stated that tax revenues aren't coming in yet, but other sources of income are meeting revenue estimates.
- Adopted a new Emergency Response Plan, put together by PJC Campus Police Chief Shane Boatwright. The plan includes important emergency contacts, weather emergency plans, and actions to take in certain other emergency situations. Boatwright also met with the chiefs of police in Paris, Greenville and Sulphur Springs to obtain their input.
- Were given an update of a study of the economic contribution of Paris Junior College to the service area. Once a few clarifications are received, the report will be ready for public release.
- Received a chronology and update on the planned sciences building from Dr. Anglin. The Regents authorized PJC Administration to pursue differing options for the building's progress.
- Permanently adopted the new meeting time of 7 p.m. for the monthly board of regents' meetings.
- Hired Mr. Gregory Kee as director of Upward Bound, effective Dec. 1, 2010, and Dr. Crystal Torti as instructor of education and reading, effective Jan. 3, 2011.